15 Ucapan Selamat Natal yang Inspiratif, Bisa Ditulis di Kartu Ucapan atau Dikirim via WhatsApp

Sumber yang dilansir kumpulan berita terkini menyebutkan - Tak terasa Hari Raya Natal 2023 dua pekan lagi tiba.

Salah satu cara untuk membagikan kebahagiaan adalah dengan mengirimkan kartu ucapan selamat Natal.

Kamu pun bisa memberikan ucapan selamat Natal pada sahabat dan keluarga dengan doa-doa yang terselip di dalam kartu.

Kartu ucapan selamat Natal ini juga dapat kamu sertakan di dalam kado.

Selain itu, kamu bisa mengirimkan ucapan selamat Natal lewat aplikasi perpesanan di smartphone, misalnya WhatsApp.

Berikut 18 ucapan selamat Natal dalam bahasa Inggris yang penuh makna, lengkap dengan terjemahannya di bagian bawah:

1. Holiday greetings to you and the ones you spend it with! May this time of year shine light on your blessings and bring new ones in the year to come.

2. Happy holidays! We hope this year’s season fills you up with the things that mean most to you and energizes you for a happy and healthy new year.

3. Seasons greetings! Wishing you all the joy, peace, and love that this time of year brings.

4. Happy holidays! Sending you love, light, and laughter for good memories and a bright and healthy new year.

5. Happy holiday greetings to you and yours! Here’s to a cheerful present, a well-remembered past, and a prosperous year ahead.

6. Greetings to you during this bright time of year! May you experience the light of laughter, the warmth of love, and the joy of gratitude this season and beyond.

7. We wish you a happy holidays! We hope you enjoy this time with your loved ones and have a wonderful winter season.

ILUSTRASI Hari Natal (Freepik/@BiZkettE1)

8. May this Christmas bring you love, joy, and (of course) lots of presents!
